Friday, March 29, 2013

We Need To Be Free … Angela Davis Already Is

This blog posting is an entry for the Black Bloggers Connect "Free Angela" Blogging Contest.

Everybody on the planet should go see the "Free Angela" movie, which is set to be released nationwide on the 5th of April 2013, because according to the film synopsis, It’s an edge-of-your seat thriller told for the first time by Angela and others who lived through the events firsthand.  Angela Davis can be viewed as an icon, an anomaly, or as a revolutionary. She can also be seen as a staunch advocate of prison reform, a stalwart defender of women’s rights, and a nonpartisan proponent of equity and freedom for people of color all over the world. However, from a simpler yet all encompassing perspective, Angela Davis is a universal being who is having a human experience on this earthly plane of existence. What she does is look at every encounter as an opportunity to express her purpose for being here. She is exercising her freedom of choice, and using this freedom, along with the spiritual gifts that each of us possesses, to express her inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and to collectively assist all of us who choose to experience that same right. We, for the most part, are imprisoned by a lack of knowledge. Most of us don’t know who we really are and how capable we are of making a significant and beneficial difference in our own lives and in the lives of others. Angela Davis is free because she knows who she is and what her purpose is. That’s why she’s done more with her life than we even realize.

What we have with this movie is a rare opportunity to see and hear Angela’s story directly from Angela’s mouth. After all, she’s the one who lived that story (herstory), and she’s still living it right now. In order to truly understand another person’s existence and purpose, we need more than an historical account because, at best, that account is only a subjective interpretation. The person whose life is being interpreted doesn’t usually have the opportunity to confirm or dispel the validity of said interpretation. Only Angela can actually share her own life energy with us, and accurately communicate to us (even the three, four, and five year olds), what it takes to do what she does

The "Free Angela" movie transcends race, gender, ethnicity, politics, religion, and societal affiliation. It’s not just a movie; it’s also an opportunity to vicariously experience what it means to be free. Even more than that, it’s a catalyst for all of us to be more creative in our endeavors and more dedicated to the universal objective of giving of ourselves for the benefit of others. Angela Davis is free because she is perpetually seeking freedom for everybody else. Let’s allow her to show us how we too can be free, so that we can collaboratively help her do what needs to be done. If we are to use and give of our gifts, as Angela has done, for the growth and preservation of personal freedom and universal peace, then we need to know how. To have knowledge of our own truth we must first be free. Angela Davis life, as seen through this movie, will clearly exemplify how both truth and freedom are readily available to us, and can be attained by anybody who is ready and willing to receive them. 

I'll holla...

To listen to the spoken version with musical soundtrack click here.

To comment or respond click on the word comments at the bottom of the page or email me at grace.calvin187

Monday, March 4, 2013

To Love Is First

For a long time I'd been thinking that you had to love God, love your neighbor and then love yourself, in that order. That manner of thinking always puzzled me because I had never actually seen God, I hardly saw my neighbors, and when I looked in the mirror, on some days, I didn't even like what I saw there. Now I realized that this whole idea of love was to be viewed from a spiritual perspective, but it just wasn't easy to love a spiritual entity when I, having a human experience, didn't even love me. For quite a while, it all seemed too abstract to me. Then it finally dawned on me. If I learn to love myself, then everything else will probably fall into place.

I've always enjoyed the high that alcohol and drugs provided, but how could I love me and ingest substances that harm my heart, liver, lungs and other vital organs that God gave me to sustain my life, and to live it to the fullest. Food is a necessary form of nourishment, but how am I loving me when I constantly bombard my digestive system with substances that have no nutritional value whatsoever. I love running my mouth, but when I talk about and criticize other people of what value is it to my mental and spiritual well-being. After all, I'm the one who feels bad after disrespecting somebody else. I say I love the Lord, I say I love others, but how is that possible when I'm destroying the mind and body that God gave me, and then demeaning the character and reputation of those God put here for me to share the world with. I realized that it's impossible to like, let alone love me, if I'm going to do the things that aren't good for me to do. Then, if I ain't loving me, loving others as I love myself is entirely out of the question.

Now here's the kicker. Look back on your life and count the number of times you've heard something similar to the expression, "I love the Lord". Now add up the number of times you've heard "I love my wife or husband" (Yea, they're our neighbors too). After that add up the number of times you've heard or said something similar to this phrase, "I love me some me." Not often huh? Seems kind of selfish and self centered huh. Well, let me say this, if you want to love God, and to love your neighbor as yourself, how about learning to love you. When you get up in the morning, practice saying I love _________(put your name in the space). Then because love is an action word, start acting like it. Base everything you do, from that point till you go to bed at night, on doing only that which will make you a better person, physically, mentally, emotionally, and of course spiritually. It's probably not going to happen the first day, but with practice you'll find yourself liking and then loving you a little bit more day by day.

Now I know that I'm going to have my naysayers pushing the "Got to Love God First" card, and I say to all of you that I've tried both ways and the latter works best for me. I talked about my love for God, but in retrospect it was just talk because I didn't know how to love. In learning to love myself, and to treat myself better, I've learned how to love and treat others and, as a result, to Love God who is the One showing me how to love. So if you're there already and truly love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and you truly love your neighbor as you love yourself, then as Pastor John Hannah says..."God bless your ministry." If you're taking care of everything God entrusted to your care, are experiencing joy and peace, and are exhibiting kindness and self control, on a regular basis, then 'gon wit yo bad self.' But if you've had a hard time like me, do what I do. Work on loving you more and you'll be better able to love God and all your neighbors accordingly.

Whatever your choice, the objective is to love. How you prioritize it is not important; because in the final analysis, once you learn to love, you automatically become the LOVE that we've all been commissioned to share.

I'll holla...

To listen to the spoken version of To Love Is First click here.

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