Tuesday, December 24, 2013


My friend KD posed a question on facebook, in regard to the energy accident at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, which was the largest nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986. Having posted  this and other disturbing articles on facebook daily, and having received no response, she wanted to know if she is the only one who gives a damn. Some responses came after she mentioned that of course, but the entire interaction serves as a reminder that we all need to STOP sometimes and ask ourselves "If I care, how am I showing it?'

Without realizing it, our major objective in life has become to do as much as possible in the time we feel is allotted to us. Then, when something that we could and probably should make time for arises, we graciously exonerate ourselves by claiming "I don't have time." Now there's no blame intended mind you, just an indication that we may be unwarily conforming to the belief that 'time is money' and if we ain't using our time to 'get paid' then we ain't using it in the way we should.

I know, we'd like to think that it ain't about the money, but all the things we're concerning ourselves with seem to point to how much money we don't have. There's a lot going on in our lives and we're doing all we can just to keep up. There's the bills, the kids, the job, the house, the car, and all the reminders of how poverty and economic distress is going on all over the world. Then there's our personal stuff like stressing over our weight, our wardrobes, and our general well-being. We claim that money ain't everything, but we do feel that if we had a little bit more then we could have some peace of mind and a little more time to show our concern for others. A little more money uh? Well I don't think that's the answer cause John D. Rockefeller was at one point the world’s richest man.  When a reporter asked him, “How much money is enough?”  You know what he said? “Just a little bit more.”  

What we do for others should not be prioritized in terms of how much money or how much time we think we need to be a part of their lives. It should be about taking a little time, every now and then, to show them we care.  A phone call..."I ain't got time to talk just called to let you know I'm thinking about you." A text... "Have a good day." Giving a random hug to somebody in our household, an unexpected "How do you do" to a stranger, or if you're not going to comment on the post of a facebook friend, at least click on the like icon. It's the small stuff ya'll, that we need to focus on just a little more. It's the taking just a little bit of time to possibly make a big difference in the life of somebody else. 

There's an infinite amount of money in the world so don't worry about how much you don't have  because there's more that's available to you. There's a infinite amount of time as well, and using it wisely can make you richer than you've ever imagined. Of course we gotta use our time meeting our material needs, but let's STOP and give a little bit of our time to someone else. The joy and happiness that follow will definitely convince us that right now…at this very moment...we all have more than enough.

Thanks KD for reminding us to share, how much we care, with one another. Happy Holiday to all of ya'll. This is Calvin, and I'll Holla….

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