It has been said that Mother Teresa was once asked to participate in a war protest. As the story goes, she indicated that she chose not to support any event that dealt with the notion of war, but to holla back in the event of a peace rally. In his book ‘The Four Agreements’, Don Miguel Ruiz says that the first agreement i.e. ‘Be impeccable with your word’, is the most important one. I believe that Ruiz is well aware of the power inherent in our words and Mother Theresa as well. For her the word Peace appeared to strike a positive chord while the word War seemed to be very disconcerting.
I’ve personally witnessed people, myself included, who have made positive affirmations and negative proclamations that have all become manifest in our lives. I am also totally convinced that the Grace of God holds what is called the first and final word. But by the same token, I do not believe that our Creator allows the words we speak to come back void. When put into the universe, be they positive or negative, our words are destined to come back, perhaps not in a manner that we would expect. but come back they will.
Communicating well with each other is the key to our collaborative existence and choosing our words carefully is the basis for maintaining loving and lasting relationships. The type of energy produced by the words we speak is of utmost importance. Negative speech generates negative energy, and conflicts, from personal to world-wide, are the inevitable result. On the other hand, positive communication is the only means for producing the energies of love, peace, and understanding.
Yes, our choice of words in our interaction with one another can make all the difference in the world. Using words like we rather than you and mistaken rather than wrong, are choices that can steer a conversation in a positive direction. During my addiction I used to constantly make choices that were not in the best interest of others, and my sponsor telling me that I was not a bad person trying to be good, but a sick person trying to get well has eradicated the self hatred and considerably diminished the blame I carried with me for so long.
Let’s do this ya’ll. Let’s do our best to talk to others in a manner in which we would like to be addressed. Let’s commit to not making promises that we can’t keep, and appreciating the efforts of others whose intent is to do the same. In spite of what seems to be going on around us, the universe is a beautiful and wonderful place, and we are responsible for it’s continuous and miraculous unfolding. The power in a word is what causes events to take place, and ultimately our choice of words will determine how these events are made manifest.
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