My mother called and read a devotion to me, that was related to a discussion we’d had a day earlier. I’ don’t remember the devotion per se, but I do recall the corresponding scriptures. One was Ezekiel 3:4, and it read as follows: “Then God said to me, “Son of man, go to the family of Israel. Speak my words to them.” The other Ezekiel 2:7 which read: “You must tell them what I say, whether they listen or not. They are people who usually refuse to listen! “
Now I believe that the bible has been tampered with, and that man made religions have been designed to control others. I also believe that our Creator speaks to us through our sacred writings, and through one another. That being said I speak to you, not as a prophet but as an individual concerned with the urgency of our need to address our current state of affairs, and as one who feels obliged to share my candor with you…regardless of how you might respond.
The majority of white folks are supporting the tenets of “institutionalized racism”, and so are all the black, brown, red, and yellow folk who are doing all they can to be accepted into the so-called mainstream of society. Slavery started in America when African slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to help tobacco farmers make money. America became a free America in 1776, yet technically kept black folks enslaved until 1865, and continue to enslave us through racial inequity. All of which I speak is a by product of the fabricated doctrine of racial inferiority that was invented at the onset of slavery, perpetuates itself by our adherence to this hierarchal society we live in, and thereby remains an intricate part of our very being. People claim they want to help make things right, but still view and respond to situations through the context of what the status quo has already set up, that being socio-economic status being undergirded by racial make-up.
Who is the status quo? It’s the powers that be, the one percent, the illuminati, the establishment or whatever you want to call those who you claim that you are not aligned with. What have they set up. A system that has a hierarchal scale with those at the top having most of everything, the middle having some, and those at the bottom having little or none at all. Most of us want to feel that we are actually helping those less capable then ourselves, but at best we are patronizing them because we are only doing enough as to not compromise our own position. This type of response is taking place in our homes, our communities, and the world at large. And you know what…It ain’t working as it should.
Now most of you are going to read this and be in denial, and say that what I’ve said doesn’t apply to you. My response to you is to go back to the opening paragraph, acknowledge that I’ve only spoken that which I deem as truth, and if you’ve listened, and are really concerned with where you stand in this regard, I implore you to consider the suggestions, on what can be done, by reading the next blog.
I’ll holla…
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