I'd like to pontificate a bit on these two occurrences, if I may, and point out how the seven people involved in them both transformed and enriched my life.
The first was a two day event called 'Off The Page': Women Jazz Composers Festival. It was a collaboration of six ladies: Maia, Nicole Mitchell, Dawn Norfleet, Leah Paul, Tomeka Reid, and Manisha Shahane, all accomplished composers in their own right, who at the behest of a Tomeka Reid brainchild got together to both showcase and share their creations with two totally encapsulated and enthralled audiences at the 18th Street Arts Center in Santa Monica on October 12 and at the World Stage in Los Angeles on October 13. I was both privileged and honored to MC both these outstanding occurrences and grateful for the opportunity to both experience and be a witness to the strenuous work, unflinching dedication, time consuming days and restless nights that accompanied these ladies as they arduously extrapolated indelible compositions and delivered unheralded performances allowing every member of the audience to leave with much more than they had imagined was available to them.
Jazz Composing Divas
L-R Manisha Shahane, Dawn Norfleet, Tomeka Reid, Nicole Mitchell, Leah Paul, and Maia
It was amazing to behold how each composer had to not only write a musical score for each instrument (voice included), but had to also ensure that each instrumentalist understood and was comfortable with the overall message that was to be conveyed. Needless to say, the musicians were handpicked because of their innate abilities to meet these criteria and were incredibly and undeniably adept at meeting the high standards to which they had been called. The result was a cornucopia of composition that included fusions of classical, folk, world, experimental, and jazz music that was irrefutably, as inferred by Maia's creative festival moniker..."OFF THE PAGE'. Their willingness to give of themselves to others at an unheard of $10 donation/cost for an event of this magnitude, the unselfishness of each composer to highlight and display the awe inspiring skill and dedication of each instrumentalist to her/his craft, and the overall love for both music, audience and participant was indicative of how this event was an ideal microcosm of how we all can and should interact as One.
The ardent display, by all present, of appreciation for the collaboration; and participation in the celebration of our Oneness, transformed and enriched my life. It renewed my understanding that by the Grace of the Creator we are able and obligated to participate as co-creators in giving of ourselves to others, by means of the gracious gifts that have so freely been given to us. As an added bonus a remarkable enlightenment arose from all of this sharing and caring, that being the revelation that our co-creativity can easily be witnessed by the joyful exuberance displayed by our simply being present in the moment. It was all good ya'll.
The second occurrence was the receipt of an autographed copy of my twenty-five year friend, Paul Madyun's, first novel entitled 'The Candidate'. This compilation of literary expression depicts the life of a man besought by the need to understand his personal experiences and their relation to two universal and oft repeated queries: Why am I here? and What am I supposed to be doing?
I read half the book in one sitting and was so enamored with Paul's style of writing, his exceptional assimilation and utilization of the English language, and the way in which the aural essence of each character jumped off the page that I decided to take my time and savor both the somatic and spiritual unfolding that emanated from each and every page. You see the book is not merely a fictional account of one man's life, it's an unobtrusive view of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual experiences that permeate the lives of every man woman and child. In addition to displaying the experiences we encounter in the course of attempting to live life on life's terms, Paul also offers insight into the choices available to us during those experiences that we might of heretofore been unaware of. Reading his book is like learning how to live life while being captivated and enthralled by the life of another who, like ourselves, is attempting to remain on that common yet elusive road of happy destiny.
In addition to all the subtle pleasures and substantive wisdom incurred while reading this wonderful novel, I am perpetually inundated with determining which character is closest to the author in terms of things like temperament, intellect, and spirituality, and in possibly discovering a little bit of him in every character. Then there is always the question of who and where I am regarding my own similarities to the make-up and behavior of each and every individual in this psuedo-fictional depiction of the life of all mankind. I'm loving this book Paul and ya'll.
No think about this. When was the last time you read an enthralling book or attended a captivating concert? When were you last able to separate yourself from life's tormenting madness and celebrate the glorious gladness that a brilliant book or some mindful music can bring. Well, I'm inviting you to become one with the opportunity to combine creativity, to reciprocate love, and to promote positive consciousness and peace of mind. No matter where you are in your journey, take a little time to google either or all of these seven people; Paul Madyun, Maia, Nicole Mitchell, Dawn Norfleet, Leah Paul, Tomeka Reid, and/or Manisha Shahane. Familiarize yourself with their work (gifts) and do what you can to share your findings and insight with yourself and others. Let's all participate in a collaborative effort to support, celebrate, and share with one another as we become one with the universe which, by Grace, is available to us all as we make our way to heaven right here on earth.
Check out the spoken version of this posting by clicking on the following link.Audio Version
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