The term revolution itself is an alarming yet accurate expression of how a necessary change can be implemented. It is common knowledge that most people of the world are dissatisfied with our economic, social, political, and yes even spiritual conditions; and that we are either wondering or working on what can be done to make things better or at least tolerable. We're experiencing shootings, looting, occupying, downsizing, sitting in, shutting down, and all other forms of revolutionary responses to the sense of 'not enough' that confronts us. All of which is adding fuel to the fire of despondency and hopelessness. From the homeless and the hungry, to the wary and well off; from the laborer in the corporate factory to the official in the governmental chamber, we are looking for a means of either making it better for ourselves or garnering at least a response from someone who can. The problem is that none of these means are working as we think they should and albeit revolution implies the employment of drastic measures, its far reaching effects sometimes make it the only means available for meaningful change.
As far back as 40 AD when the Trung sisters led a three year uprising of the Vietnamese people against Chinese domination, up until today when a civil resistance uprising that started in 2011 is still going on in Bahrain, some form of revolution has been employed to secure a brighter future for the groups represented. We can look at this country's Revolutionary War, or even the Occupy Wall Street experience, and rightfully surmise that from one end of the spetrum to the other a physical means of initiating change is highly favored. However, we should realize that revolution, in a physical sense, is simply a manifestation of a particular state of mind, and that an alteration in our communal consciousness can also create and sustain a condition of revolutionary proportion. After all, the way we think constitutes our actions, and if we think that our present day conditions are not as they should be, then we have already substantiated why we need a revolution. The question then becomes when, if ever, will we have an interior uprising in the way we think.
The fact of the matter is that we think in terms of lack rather than abundance. We focus more on what we don't have individually, than on what we do have collectively. You see until we see life for what it is rather than what we think it should be, revolution will continue to be a necessary occurrence. The entire universe is set up with more than enough for all, and until we look at ourselves in terms of 'we' rather than 'me', in terms of all families rather than just mine, there's never going to be enough because we are only focusing on what 'I' need rather than working with what 'we' already have.
The why of revolution is that something is going to happen if current conditions are not acceptable to all. The when factor comes into play when one or more make a decision to implement a change in these conditions. The means by which the change takes place is left to the inclinations of the participants, and the outcome dependent on the attitude of those affected by the transformation. The primary objective, rather intended or not, is to have a common acknowledgement and acceptance of the fact that unless each and every one of us is ok with our situation, none of us ever will be.
It is my contention that true revolution must first take place in our consciousness on an individual and then collective level. We must recognize and accept the fact that change is always and every where, so why and when the revolution comes is not nearly as important as "What we gon change about ourselves to support a beneficial change for all?" An attitude adjustment, on the part of all of us, can negate the why, when, and even the need for a physical rebellion, but a personal transformation is a must if we are to effectively deal with the why and when of future conflicts. Things, right now, just ain't right, but if we each make a meaningful change on the inside, we'll be prepared for the revolutions yet to come, no matter in what form they might appear.
I'll holla…
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