Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Would You Bring Some Of That Joy With You

I asked members of my family what event made them happy this year, and the answers ranged from a free ticket to a Bulls game to the birth of a child. Quite a stretch in terms of similarity but, relatively speaking, only the ones experiencing these events can gauge the degree of happiness they attained. What makes you happy might just make me cry, but I'd still like to know what rocks your boat cause maybe, just maybe, it could rock mine and somebody else's as well.

A great degree of my joy this year stemmed from hosting, for the past three months, the 'Do You Know' radio show broadcast on KUCI 88.9 FM in Irvine, CA. The intent of my show is to bring, to the listeners, bits of knowledge and information, that they might not have heard, from people they might not know. You see there are millions of people who would love to share their experience, strength, and hope with others and have no means, outside of social media such as Facebook, for doing so. The biggest joy that I experience from interviewing the ones who have appeared on my show, is the joy and gratitude that they exude from having had the opportunity to be on the show and to share their thoughts and feelings with others.

We are all the light of the world, and each of us can illuminate another's life just by sharing a small portion of our own. I have no idea how many hearts have been moved by the things that my guests have shared, but I do know that the universe has benefitted from the joyful vibrations that were emitted from their simple act of doing so.

I implore all of us to bring joy to others by sharing and caring. Don't ever feel that you have nothing to say because, in reference to what made my family happy, there are people everywhere who already have babies, who would love to get away to see a Bulls game for free, and who are happy just knowing that somebody else did. On the other hand there are people that look forward to having a child and are inspired and made hopeful by hearing that somebody else has experienced it. We can always bring joy by listening and learning. We should make conscious attempts to listen to what another has to say because we never know how much joy that person might derive from talking to somebody who really seems to care. On top of that we have no idea how much both of us can learn as a result of actually caring, even if it's just a smidgen, about what's being said.

Whether we shine our light by consciously sharing our lives with somebody else or by allowing another to share their life with us, darkness cannot prevail. Remember, we can't find joy cause it ain't lost. But when our light shines it's like morning ya'll, and from what I've been told…JOY does cometh in the morning.

I'll Holla…

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