Saturday, November 1, 2014

I Ain't Skurred

Everybody has their own idea(s) about the discomforting conditions that exist in our world, and I’m sure that we’ve all given some thought as to how we’re going to deal with these circumstances in our own personal environments. For instance, if you’re a member,or trying  to be one of the so called 1%, that being the people who reportedly possess/control 99% of the world’s wealth, then you don’t think too much is enough, and spend most of your time and energy in attempts to gain all you can, however you can, and as quickly as you can. On the other hand, if you have already decided that you won’t ever be in that group, or anywhere close to it, your efforts are expended in determining how you’re going to do the best you can with what you have. Then there are those who have looked beyond that economic paradigm of the haves and have nots, and have determined that happiness and contentment is not contingent on what and how much you possess, but on maintaining your integrity and upholding your moral/spiritual condition. How we cope with the global conditions of disease, poverty and the rampant inequity that exists, may be more about not merely responding to them, but knowing what precipitates their manifestation, and determining what we can do to prevent or manage the anticipated outcome.

This one man’s opinion is that fear is the underlying motivation for all of our negative responses to disheartening situations. It goes without saying that we are a world-wide, crisis oriented society, and that our dilemma stems from waiting for something to happen before creating a sufficient means of dealing with what already exists. You see those who seem to be in charge, have been designated as such by virtue of their hierarchal status, with the amount of wealth being the primary gauge for determining that ranking, They are fearful of losing whatever semblance of power they do have, and they respond to that fear by imposing laws and creating circumstances that will protect their possessions and, at the same time, fortify and substantiate their control. We, the people, respond to these laws and circumstances by becoming fearful of the yet undetermined repercussions that we think stem from our not having enough wealth and power, and of possibly losing what little bit we already have. We then begin to focus more and more on creating a means of protecting what we already have from both those, like the government, who we feel already has enough, and from those, less fortunate than ourselves, who we perceive as a threat to what we possess and a hinderance to our acquisition of more. What we have here ya’ll is a fear filled hot mess.

Herein lies this one man’s solution. Believe in the adage that  “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Let’s join the cadre of those focused on righteousness. I’m not talking about right and wrong because that’s relative and depends on whose calling the shots. I’m talking about treating others, all others, like you want to be treated…that’s universal decency. Don’t be afraid of those you think have too much money and power, because they’re afraid of you. Their illusion of power is predicated on the fear that they have consciously and inadvertently passed on to you. They say they’re doing the right thing, which makes you wrong. You say they’re wrong in doing what they do, which makes you right, yet you’re both doing what you do out of fear, all of which constitutes a fear of being righteous. 

In reference to the principles of yin(passive) and yang(active), true balance can only come when two opposites come together. After all, who knows the possibilities that can arise as a result of two different mindsets operating in the same place at the same time, in spite of the antagonisms that may crop up. We must allow those who have passively accepted the concept of not enough, and can only operate from a realm of fear, to continue to protect themselves from situations that tend to frighten them. The rest of us, who have accepted the universal principle of more than enough, must become proactive in our attempts to create equitable opportunities for all, through the simple process of each one teaching one.  Holding on to what you think is yours on the one hand, and the giving of what you have on the other, is contrasting by nature, but those of us who can, must develop a mindset of not necessarily condoning, but humbly accepting another’s secular way of dealing with stuff, cause we can't change how they think anyway. However, if we work honestly and with righteous intent on perfecting our own spiritual path...change is inevitable.

So we definitely need to do it our way, while patiently accepting each other’s ways, because then and only then can we lose the fear of...THE WAY... which is the universal collaboration and connection of us all.

I’ll holla...

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