Monday, November 16, 2015


As a self-proclaimed philosopher, I’m always questioning our existence. Who we are and why we’re here is what I want to know. I also see myself as an exhorter, and thereby spend a considerable amount of time trying to encourage others to believe in themselves. It is with this in mind that I implore you to consider the what, when and how of your particular manner of living.

What, in your opinion, is really going on in this world of ours. Is it Love, Peace and Happiness or is it Hostility, Chaos and Despair?

When do memories of the past, and fears of an unknown future, cause your optimism to give way to the negativity that is so easily brought about by our thoughts alone?

How do you feel about the metaphorical cards that you’re being dealt on a day to day basis? Do you usually receive a winning hand? Or are you, in your opinion, getting most of the time, a bunch of useless car that have little or no value at all?

Now the whats, whens, and hows are my own philosophical inquiries, and here’s how I view them… Everything works out, exactly as it’s supposed to, when we take part in the work. Just be prepared for the outcome to possibly take a long time, and for the result to not necessarily be what you desired or expected.

Life is fair. It doesn’t always seem to be so because we’ve been trained to focus on self and not on the relativity of our situation. We’re so busy asking why is this happening to me, that we don’t even stop to consider how our response to what’s happening will affect others. After all, everybody is going through stuff all the time, and when we lose sight of that reality, our stuff will always seem bigger and more difficult to resolve than everybody else’s. 

At times I feel blessed by the lessons I’ve learned, because it enables me to see the role I played, in causing whatever happened to take place. Yet, more often than I’m comfortable with, I feel the need to stand guard against the conflict and pain that might occur.  What I’ve resolved to do thereby, is the best I can, with whatever I have to work with, and view the outcome not as what it should or should not be, but as what it is.

Who I am, is an integral part of the WE. Why I’m here is to contribute my unique gift and talents to the welfare of all, regardless of what others are saying or participating in. Ironically,It’s all about us, not me. And if I continue to remind myself that taking things personally hinders my growth, it becomes easier for me to live life as it is and not how i think it should be.. I can’t change what others say or do, but I can accept them for who they are, and do what I can to benefit us both, with or without their help. Why? Because ultimately, that’s the only benevolent choice I have.        

I’ll holla…

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