Gal 5:7 Ye did run well;
who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?
Gal 5:8 This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you.
Wow! What happened? You were running so
well. You had your focus on Christ and your aim toward elevating the glory
of God for the sake of our young men and building them up in faith so our
communities would have a strong backbone of young men. Wow! What
happened? You seemed to have moved back into the “all roads lead to
heaven” movement. It also seems that this “power within us” is nothing
more that pride, self-adoration, and the danger of Nebuchadnezzar which is self
idolization (see Daniel 4). Boy do I wish that I was wrong. I have
read the blog over and over, hoping for a sign that I was mistaken but the only
time God was invoked was to rub His lamp and make a wish to fulfill the lusts
of man and not praise, thanksgiving, or surrender. How about the power of
desiring the will of God?
You have always said that I was harsh. I
truly am not trying to be but I would much rather be lovingly harsh with your
eternal wellbeing in mind than to sit by and allow you to lose the precious
ground that you had gained. We are not able to “help ourselves or save
ourselves” apart from submission to God through His Son, Jesus. There is
not power within us to draw from. If we are so powerful, why should we
ever have to pray? Why don’t we just use our own power to grant our own
desires? Nevermind. If I remember correctly, we have been through all
of this before.
I hope and pray that you are able to read these
words from a friend who glorifies in the saving grace of God towards you.
Apart from glorifying God through His Son, Jesus, I have nothing to say.
I hope you can write me back and tell me that I got
everything all wrong. If not, know that I love you and your family and I
will continue to pray for you and your vision as long as God is the sole
director of it.
Jud 1:24
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory
with exceeding joy,
Jud 1:25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion
and power, both now and
ever. Amen.
I truly appreciate your response and hope that all who misinterpreted my
message will read our interaction. I’m still totally aware of the fact that
nothing…nothing…nothing is accomplished without the Grace of God. My intent is to remind the reader, especially
our youth, that all of us have been given the power and obligation to share the
attributes of love such as peace, joy, and understanding with one another. My prayer is that we make it a conscious
From the perspective of being an Interfaith minister, I see this blog as
an opportunity to bring
attention to the Oneness of the universe and to inspire people to see
themselves in each other, regardless of the road on which they travel.
This focus on Oneness--all of us being connected to the Source of Life and to
one another--is where I stand. We may
not all focus on invoking the Name of God in our conversations. However, it is certainly imperative that we
demonstrate, as Jesus did, unconditional love through our actions.
Neither of us is right or wrong, and there’s true beauty in sharing
diverse perspectives. I invite everyone to read and respond as we travel this
road of happy destiny, so that we can expand our consciousness through
communication. We are all made perfect for the Creator’s Purpose. It’s up to us
to use what we have been given for the benefit of others.
Feel me? Don't feel me? Holla Back anyway to: and your responses will be posted on the next blog.
Feel me? Don't feel me? Holla Back anyway to: and your responses will be posted on the next blog.
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