We've all heard that statement at some point or another, in some form or fashion, with additions and/or deletions, but do we believe it to be true. Well it is, and sometimes we don't even have to ask for what we want, just desire it and it comes into being.
It never ceases to amaze me, in my 62 years of existence in this realm, how powerful we really are. Personally I've experienced 20 years of drug and alcohol abuse, 4 heroin overdoses, an unknown number of epileptic seizures, health challenges involving hepatitis A, B, and C, pneumonia, mononucleosis,and tuberculosis, countless experiences of being in the wrong place at the wrong time yet, in the words of Maya Angelou, "... and still I rise." All due to a power inherent in me, that power being the will to live.
I'm sure we've all experienced health issues, some form of depression, stress, economic setbacks, threats on our well being, death of a loved one, and are probably going through some stuff right now. Check your record though, you've gone through some even more serious stuff and yet you're still here. You see, you too have power, and your every desire has and will continue to be met, whether you ask for it or not.
This week let's flip the script and desire well-being for others. Let's use the power we have to make it manifest. No matter what we're going through personally, let's put it aside for a second or two and say hello to a stranger at least once this week. Let's randomly give somebody a dollar or two. Let's scare one of our haters by saying to them "how you doing today my brother/sister." Let's call somebody we haven't spoken to in a minute, just to check in. Whatever little something something we can do to enhance the life of another, let's do it at least once this week. Let's do some good in the hood and recognize that not only will whatever it is we're going through be minimalized for a minute, but the entire universe will profit as a result of our sharing what we've got to give another what they need. There's power in giving, let's desire to share that power.
Feel me? Don't feel me? Holla Back anyway to: grace.calvin187@gmail.com and your responses will be posted on the next blog.