I've decided that from this point on I'm going to attempt to look at the positive aspect of every situation. It's not going to be an easy endeavor, but I'm sure its outcome will open the door to creating an alternative way of dealing with daily situations in a manner more beneficial for all involved. The initiative for this particular endeavor comes from something I recalled seeing and hearing many years ago. A young boxer, nineteen years of age, had just won a gold medal in the olympics. After confirming that he was going to turn pro, he was asked about his future goals. He did not say that he wanted a world championship belt or that he wanted to make millions of dollars, as I had anticipated. What he said instead was that he wanted the life of everyone he met to be made better as a result of having met him. His lofty yet positive intent inspired me then and it inspires me yet again today. This young man's attitude has led me to believe that my looking at and dealing with only the positive side of every situation, no matter how difficult it might be, will diminish the possibility of seeing someone else as greater or lesser than myself, possibly implant in them a higher sense of well-being and self esteem, and ultimately increase the positive vibes of the universe in which we all reside.
Everything we encounter, experience, or hear about, no matter how bleak it may seem, provides an opportunity for a positive outcome. From this point on I'm going to attempt to look at circumstances not as problems or crisis situations, but as opportunities to assist in the creation of and contribution to the most beneficial result for everybody. Just this morning someone dear to me repeated the very same error as yesterday, the result of which negatively affected myself and others. Initially I simply saw the repeating of this particular action as negligent, trifling, and disrespectful; and have not dismissed those adverbs as being inappropriate and non-applicable to the situation. However; what I have realized is that I now have a chance to help another human being resolve an issue, the result of which might negatively affect them and others later on down the line. I've come to the conclusion that a conversation is definitely in order. Without blame or ridicule I must make the one I hold dear aware that before we do anything, we must first take the feelings and concerns of others into consideration. We must understand that everything is reciprocal and f we don't want negative outcome, our input must be of a positive nature. I'm not yet aware of how this conversation will take place, but take place it must if Good Orderly Direction is to prevail.
I reiterate that the aforementioned and whatever else lies ahead is no easy task. However, I've traveled the road of judgement and condemnation for many years and am definitely ready for a positive change. "What we have," according to the 'Big Book Of Alcoholics Anonymous', " is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition." I'm presently in a decent spiritual state of mind and being, and am anticipating growth rather than setback. I'm the only one responsible for the outcome of what I do; and allowing others to jeopardize that outcome, as a result of the way in which I interact with them, ain't what I'm on right now. I'm on seeing the best in all things. That's where I am and that's where you'll find me.
Holla back...
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