Friday, August 3, 2012

Where Do We Go From Here?

There is a common response that makes me wonder how we got to this point. It's usually made by dependent youth in response to a conversation that goes something like this... "I put a roof over your head, buy all your clothes, and feed you each and every day. Why can't you do what I ask you to do?"  The paraphrased response is the same in any language. "I didn't ask to be's your job to take care of me."  What's going on ya'll, what happened to work ethic and responsibility? I certainly don't know the answer but allow me to share my thoughts if you will.

We all have a tendency at times, to blame some one or some thing else for our uncomfortable and compromising situations.  According to the Bible Adam blamed his wife for eating the forbidden fruit'. "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate." The fact of the matter was that God and Adam (the we) had a deal andAdam forfeited when he ate the fruit. Upon  realizing that he was exposed(naked) he tried to cover up.  Then, when he got caught and God called him out, he blamed Eve for the infraction. Today it's the same scenario. We get caught not doing what we should or doing what we shouldn't;  and place the blame on our parents or children, on our bosses or the school system, or on the media for our subsequent separation from the 'we' consciousness. The bottom line is that our existence on this planet has always been and will always be predicated on a we thing. No matter how we got here, no matter what we do or feel, our very presence means that we have a pact with the universe which guarantees that the way we treat each other is the way we will be treated. That's an inevitable, universal truth and it's the real deal. We and the universe are one, we are all part of the we. Whenever we break away from that reality, which has already been established, we are at fault for what some of us still claim is not our responsibility.

Each of us has a purpose for being here and not until we realize that we have to be of one accord to make that purpose manifest, none of our projects or goals will reach their full potential. If one child leaves food in the room causing ants, cockroaches, or mice to appear; the whole household and everybody in it is affected. If the father and mother are at odds with each other, whether they're in the same house or not, the children are going to suffer along with them. The schools play a role in this scenario as well  by not mandating that everyone in a child's life be involved in the educational process. Shows like 'Basketball Wives' should not be accepted as  'Reality' shows,  but for what they truly are... 'What People Do Who Ain't Doing Nothing Else'.  In order for each of us to make manifest our reason for being here, and to change the things that are not really in our favor, we must first realize that something has to be done, and then understand that before we do anything we must first take into consideration how everyone else will be affected. Then and only then can a beneficial and altruistic change come about, and then and only then can we truly fulfill our individual purposes for being here.

The next time we get 'checked' or 'treated by somebody else, let's stop responding with excuses. Instead let's recognize and accept that we're essentially being notified of how we've separated ourselves from the 'we', and how important it is to come back home to the we in that 'Garden of Eden' where it all began. Once we acknowledge and accept where we're from, we will truly recognize and realize where it is we're going.

To comment or respond click on the word comments at the bottom of this page, or email me at grace.calvin


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Anonymous. Glad you liked it and truly appreciate your response.

  2. Thank you Sandra and it's so good to hear that God has allowed your blessing to come thru me. Glad you like the picture and Love and blessings back to you.
