The worldly consensus seems to mandate that we choose and profess a religious affiliation. Then it offers automatic credibility and authoritative license to those of us with a 'title' before or after our names. I've always experienced hesitancy in regard to accepting religious beliefs as spoken and demonstrated by those who claim to love God and are so-called conveyors of God's Word. I'm talking now about not only Christians, but Muslims, Buddhists, and all others who profess one thing and seem to live another. As far as I'm concerned, who we are, who we're with, and what we know is not nearly as important as how we live (love).
The purpose of this posting is to address the need for developing, manifesting, and maintaining a consciousness that doesn't replace but transcends any and all theological beliefs. It's about being more concerned about our spiritual connection than our religious affiliation. It's about loving each other where we are and not where me, you, or anybody thinks we should be. Mankind has taken its own interpretation of what God would have us do, and packaged, labeled and advertised it under the premise that whoever doesn't buy it is going to hell. I believe that if we do our best to live according to the two things that Jesus said summed up everything..."Love God and love each other..." then we will not only have eternal life but can experience heaven right here on earth.
Love is the act of being one, not only with God but also with each other. What Jesus and other spiritual teachers had (have) is a "doing whatever it takes to bring more love Into this place" type of attitude. They had (have) a Love consciousness. Our religious affiliation, and who and what we want to be known as, has little or nothing to do with what we're supposed to be doing. Our love for God, for one another, and for ourselves,...that's the place we're supposed to be working from. We too can develop, manifest and maintain a Love consciousness, by realizing and accepting that we're in a position, right now, to do what needs to be done. The fact of the matter is that the world is calling for more love and we are all in the right place, at the right time, title or no title, to answer that call.
We can all be participants in a revived 'I'm going to bring love to this place' consciousness by looking at what we're doing and starting to ask ourselves if we're doing whatever it is out of love. Then, if we're not, making an effort to do so. Our religious affiliation will be part and parcel of that consciousness and we will not have to promote who we are, what we know, and who we're with, because people will be attracted to what we are doing. Love, the act of being one, can then be made manifest in our own lives and the lives of all mankind.
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