Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Seeing Me In You

Everyone we look at and pay attention to is a reflection of us. 'We have to be it in order to see it'so whatever we see in another, is an  exemplification of us in a perhaps exaggerated form. If we don't like what we see, it's an opportunity to work on our own shortcomings and defects of character. If we like it, then we have created an invitation to celebrate growth and illumination.

I had an opportunity to attend a rally and book signing hosted by Tavis Smiley and Dr. Cornell West Sunday afternoon, and realized that I am very proficient in pointing out what I deem as flaws in others. Cornell West and Tavis Smiley are two of the most intelligent, articulate and foresighted men on the planet, yet I entered their event with the preconceived notion of hearing a lot of rhetoric, without receiving a viable and solid plan of what to do next. I saw them in the same way I saw Jesse Jackson. He coined many wonderfully pertinent phrases such as "Down with dope Up with hope", but what he had done to visibly contribute to the long running, so-called 'war on drugs' remained a mystery to me. I maintained that same sense of talk and no action, during the rally's question and answer period, when the response to the question of "What do we do next?" was answered with the implication that it's up to each of us to configure our own course of action.

All of a sudden, while sitting there, I realized that what I was doing was focusing on someone else's seeming inadequacies. What I was actually seeing however, was the discontent I had with my own sense of limited, personal activity. I'm writing this blog on a weekly basis, and earnestly believing that something positive is being expressed. However, because of the limited response to the blog, I feel, at times, that I'm not doing enough. So when I envisioned Tavis, Cornell, and Jesse as being lax in their actions, I was really seeing an expression of what I deem as my own shortcomings. I had looked at them and seen me.

Through this blog I have attempted to awaken the consciousness of the readers, to recognize how we may unwarily inflict injustices on ourselves and one another. I am so grateful that my own consciousness has been awakened in the process, and I am now aware that knocking what others are doing or not doing is of no avail. When I view others through the lens of love however, things will inevitably get better in relation to the steps I take to make them better. Behavior does not change overnight but I'm going to purpose from this point on to respect rather than begrudge, to relate rather than compare, and to build up rather than tear down. Implementing these things will help me to keep in mind  that whatever anyone is doing now is all we can do now, because now is all we have. Let's not hate, let's appreciate ourselves and each other. 

Mr. Smiley and Dr. West recently traveled to 18 cities in 11 states to witness the rampant poverty that exists in this country, and have written a book entitled 'The Rich and The Rest of Us', to share their findings. I know that you, the reader, are doing what you can to improve the well being of others beside yourself. I am also aware that we, and people all over the world, are doing all we can from the basis of what we have to work with. Everyone has an opinion on how to do what's 'right' and I, for one, must at least appreciate if not support that opinion. It is only then that I can focus on what I'm doing, with the realization that together, in different ways, we can eradicate everything that does not embellish our collective well-being.

In retrospect I have recognized that Cornell, Tavis, Jesse, You and me, have been blessed with an opportunity to see ourselves in each other. If we don't like what we see than there's more work to do on our self. If we like it then we've all progressed to another level, and it's time for gratitude and celebration. Recognizing that a mirror is always available to monitor my progress, I'm going to do my best to do me, while respectfully allowing you to do you.  


  1. Hello Calvin. I think you are doing a great job reaching out. Please don't measure your success by the number of responses. I'd like to think that there are many like me who read everything and all of your blogs but don't comment in a written format (some of us are still digesting). This is a wonderful piece but a hard pill to swallow...because its true. Speaking about all roads leading to one, living in the now, and awakening is discussed among a select group of friends on the same path (especially if you are a Christian). Keep up the good work. We need this.

    1. Hey Anonymous,
      I receive and sincerely appreciate your comment. Evidently you're participating in the struggle to share. I commend you and beseech you to stay encouraged.

  2. Wow. Really well said. I agree that we should celebrate and support each other's efforts, and see them as inspiration for us to do and do more ourselves. Thanks for your honesty and in terms of the tour of Tavis and Cornell, it's a real mystery how to best approach what is now an American epidemic. They stated that 50% of the U.S. is living in poverty. How do we make work for others? How do we get American companies to hire more workers in this land and not abroad? Policies? Protests? It's so daunting but we've seen before that even expressions of culture can bring wealth, as we did with the beginning of the hip-hop movement. Where next?


  3. Thank you Nicole, and Wow yourself. You've raised an extremely relevant question and I can feel that you're seeking a solution as we speak. Keep doing your part and always remember that we're not alone.

  4. I view others through the lens of love however, things will inevitably get better in relation to the steps I take to make them better

    This sentence really touched me and I'm going to do the best I can to respond to this so that I will have done my part to make things better. Because nothing I say, know, believe, give, accomplish will matter without love. LOVE IS ACTION!!!

    1. Thanks big Sis, and know that you played a major role in my getting to the point where I could compose a sentence of that nature. And love is certainly the ACT of being one with others.

  5. Hi Love, talking to Pat while she was posting and she asked me to say to you "KEEP ON KEEPIN ON" as GaGa used to say

    1. Thanks Mom, and please continue to allow your mother's spirit to live through you.
