Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Who You Really Are

Isn't it funny how we inadvertently focus on what we think others think of us, rather than on what we think of ourselves. Isn't it strange how we try to be who we think others want us to be rather than who we really are. Is it no wonder that by the time we reach 70 years of age, we have become so full of pent up desires from not having said what we really wanted to say for the past 67 years, that we say whatever we feel like saying, or don't say anything at all.

On the other hand, isn't it refreshing to witness someone who isn't concerned with what others think of them. Isn't it wonderful to be in the company of someone who doesn't compromise their honesty and integrity while letting another person know what's really on their mind. In paraphrasing the words of the incredible Bernie Mac, "I say what ya'll are scared to say,"

I must add that we should be tactful in expressing ourselves, because it's not what we say but how we say it that's important. However, we shouldn't withhold the expressing of our true feelings because we think it will jeopardize our relationship with another. In reality, it's best to express how we really feel, because it's probably imperative that the person we're talking to really hears what we have to say.

We're talking to somebody who has food stuck in their teeth or a booger in their nose and we say nothing. We listen to one friend's incessant gossip about another friend and nod our heads in agreement, or add some of our own questionable information to the conversation. Then when we look in the mirror and see an obvious remnant of sleep in our eye, we wonder why nobody said anything to us about it. We hear that one of our friends talked about us like a dog the other day, and wonder how could they, we never talked about them like that. It's universal law ya'll. Participating in what goes into the universe, sets us up to receive what comes back.

The question is how willing are we to expose our true selves in order to be free of unwarranted obligations to others. Communication is one of, if not the most important of all our assets. Talking candidly about what we see, and how we really feel about it, helps us to empower ourselves and others to do what needs to be done.

I invite everyone reading this blog to comment on whatever I might say or have already said. By so doing, you will allow me an opportunity to reflect on both my assets and shortcomings, and give yourselves the chance to practice being 'straight up' with others. I suggest that we begin to no longer be afraid of telling our children how we really feel about the way they're treating us, and/or that we don't hesitate to tell our parent(s) the truth about ourselves and how we honestly feel about their behavior toward us (teenagers be tactful). More importantly, let's not cry or complain when we become the recipients of not so comforting comments.

We must give and accept constructive criticism, and we must do it with love. There's enough lies, trickery, and deceit going on in this world. Enough inhumanity, unfairness, and discontent. It's so important that we share our feelings, like one of my sisters did when she texted me early this morning to say I love you. But it's also a must that we put each other in check, and not allow mudslinging, backbiting, and expressions of malcontent interrupt the joy and peace that we all seek and are entitled to.

We all have God Given Gifts that are given only to us. Let's use them for the benefit of others rather than lose them in doing what we think others want. Let's be who we really are, and make this world a better place in the process.

Comments can be posted directly on this blog, and will be responded to in next week's posting, or they can be e-mailed to: grace.calvin187@gmail.com.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Feed The Need and Ignore the Greed

On the way, by train, from Paris to the French town of Lyon Part Dieu, I marveled at the French countryside. No matter where one goes in the world, it is truly remarkable how God has created so many landscapes of such unheralded beauty and plentitude. How unfortunate that some of us are not intent on sharing what we see however, and are focused on claiming the components of it for ourselves. This infectious attitude has initiated a competitive furor around the globe, setting the stage for social and economic upheavals everywhere.  The subsequent development of racial and social hierarchies has inevitably ensued, and the strife to be on top has increased exponentially. There’s certainly adequate sustenance for all. Why is it that everywhere one goes the fruited plains abound, yet people feel that there’s not enough to go around, and the struggle is on to ‘get mine’. Be it France or the United States, grapevines or amber waves of grain, what could or should be may not always be what is.

A couple of days ago, while in Long Beach, California, I met a white woman from Deerfield, Illinois. She shared that her being Catholic caused ostracization from the predominant Jewish population in that particular suburb, and that she had moved to Long Beach to save her daughter from the same adversity. The only pertinent information found on the Jewish factor was that"... after World War II, Highland Park allowed the largest number of German Jews to immigrate there." Relatively, the 2000 census lists Highland Park as having a "...91.2% white population with a median income of $113,350 per household." ¹ Wow I thought, migration and displacement is capable of manifesting anywhere and affecting anybody regardless of race, religion, creed or class.

During my first trip to a wealthy neighborhood in Paris, I was taken aback by how Africans in that area treated this African American (me) with a degree of disdain, even though the same type of treatment had been experienced at home from both Africans and African Americans. A degree of comfort was felt on this present trip however, because on the other side of town there was a warm greeting administered by a couple of Africans. In an attempt to cherish the moment, I did not allow their intent to sell me drugs diminish the heartfelt sense of connection and oneness.

While seeking information on race relations in France, I found the following excerpt concerning the migration of Northern Africans to that country in search of employment: Sincere and effective steps to ease tensions and alleviate grievances need to be taken now or else France will be well on its way to replicating our own country’s [America] darkest piece of history—economic and social subjugation of an entire people based on racist and xenophobic inclinations.” ² This article shed light on the historical implications of the racial dynamics in Paris. It also brought to mind how the thought of another getting a piece of the pie causes fear and dissent from Paris to Highland Park.

What we’s gon do ya’ll. Catholics, Jews, Africans, Arabs, Asians, Hispanics...all brimming in different areas of the world…at one point victims of and now participating in a worldwide fear of those outside their inner circles. Although racism and social status are obvious components of it, they are not what this situation is really about. It’s about a consciousness that stems from a sense of lack, a fear of not enough to go around. A consciousness that maintains the status quo. A consciousness that feeds the greed and ignores the need. Something or somebody’s got to give. 

My suggestion is that we be that somebody by developing and maintaining a consciousness of abundance. A passage in the Bible implores us to ”...seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” ³ The Kingdom of God is Love, and love is the act of being one with another. If we strive to be assertive in the endeavor to love one another, then we’ll be able to witness Jimi Hendrix’s affirmation that “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”  We definitely have enough or we wouldn’t be here. By sharing what we have with others we will be demonstrating an assuredness that everything we need is available to us right here and right now, and that we need not worry about what tomorrow may bring, because our sharing has opened the door for more. This assuredness that there’s more than enough for all can be contagious and we should do everything in our power to spread it around.

Feel me? Don't feel me? Holla Back anyway to: grace.calvin187@gmail.com 
and your responses will  be posted on the next blog. 

¹ "Highland Park, Illinois," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,
   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highland_Park._Illinois -
²  "Race and Maghreben Immigrants: What France Can Learn From the US, Sarah Alaoui, Project
   Journal of International Affairs at UCSD, April 13, 2010, p.1
³  The Holy Bible, King James Version, Matthew 6:33

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Reader's Response To March 12 Post: Sharing The Power Of Desire

        Gal 5:7  Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?
Gal 5:8  This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you.

Wow!  What happened?  You were running so well.  You had your focus on Christ and your aim toward elevating the glory of God for the sake of our young men and building them up in faith so our communities would have a strong backbone of young men.  Wow!  What happened?  You seemed to have moved back into the “all roads lead to heaven” movement.  It also seems that this “power within us” is nothing more that pride, self-adoration, and the danger of Nebuchadnezzar which is self idolization (see Daniel 4).  Boy do I wish that I was wrong.  I have read the blog over and over, hoping for a sign that I was mistaken but the only time God was invoked was to rub His lamp and make a wish to fulfill the lusts of man and not praise, thanksgiving, or surrender.  How about the power of desiring the will of God? 

You have always said that I was harsh.  I truly am not trying to be but I would much rather be lovingly harsh with your eternal wellbeing in mind than to sit by and allow you to lose the precious ground that you had gained.  We are not able to “help ourselves or save ourselves” apart from submission to God through His Son, Jesus.  There is not power within us to draw from.  If we are so powerful, why should we ever have to pray?  Why don’t we just use our own power to grant our own desires?  Nevermind.  If I remember correctly, we have been through all of this before.   
I hope and pray that you are able to read these words from a friend who glorifies in the saving grace of God towards you.  Apart from glorifying God through His Son, Jesus, I have nothing to say. 

I hope you can write me back and tell me that I got everything all wrong.  If not, know that I love you and your family and I will continue to pray for you and your vision as long as God is the sole director of it.
Jud 1:24  Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
       Jud 1:25  To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion
       and power, both now and ever. Amen.

 From timetohollaback

I truly appreciate your response and hope that all who misinterpreted my message will read our interaction. I’m still totally aware of the fact that nothing…nothing…nothing is accomplished without the Grace of God.  My intent is to remind the reader, especially our youth, that all of us have been given the power and obligation to share the attributes of love such as peace, joy, and understanding with one another.  My prayer is that we make it a conscious desire.

From the perspective of being an Interfaith minister, I see this blog as an opportunity to bring attention to the Oneness of the universe and to inspire people to see themselves in each other, regardless of the road on which they travel. This focus on Oneness--all of us being connected to the Source of Life and to one another--is where I stand.  We may not all focus on invoking the Name of God in our conversations.  However, it is certainly imperative that we demonstrate, as Jesus did, unconditional love through our actions.

Neither of us is right or wrong, and there’s true beauty in sharing diverse perspectives. I invite everyone to read and respond as we travel this road of happy destiny, so that we can expand our consciousness through communication. We are all made perfect for the Creator’s Purpose. It’s up to us to use what we have been given for the benefit of others. 


Feel me? Don't feel me? Holla Back anyway to: grace.calvin187@gmail.com and your responses will  be posted on the next blog. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12, 2012: Sharing The Power Of Desire

Whatever your desire, you can communicate it to God, Allah or whoever/whatever you are spiritually grounded in, and that desire will be granted.

We've all heard that statement at some point or another, in some form or fashion, with additions and/or deletions, but do we believe it to be true. Well it is, and sometimes we don't even have to ask for what we want, just desire it and it comes into being.

It never ceases to amaze me, in my 62 years of existence in this realm, how powerful we really are. Personally I've experienced 20 years of drug and alcohol abuse, 4 heroin overdoses, an unknown number of epileptic seizures, health challenges involving hepatitis A, B, and C, pneumonia, mononucleosis,and tuberculosis, countless experiences of being in the wrong place at the wrong time yet, in the words of Maya Angelou, "... and still I rise." All due to a power inherent in me, that power being the will to live.

I'm sure we've all experienced health issues, some form of depression, stress, economic setbacks, threats on our well being, death of a loved one, and are probably going through some stuff right now. Check your record though, you've gone through some even more serious stuff and yet you're still here. You see, you too have power, and your every desire has and will continue to be met, whether you ask for it or not.

This week let's flip the script and desire well-being for others. Let's use the power we have to make it manifest. No matter what we're going through personally, let's put it aside for a second or two and say hello to a stranger at least once this week. Let's randomly give somebody a dollar or two. Let's scare one of our haters by saying to them "how you doing today my brother/sister." Let's call somebody we haven't spoken to in a minute, just to check in. Whatever little something something we can do to enhance the life of another, let's do it at least once this week. Let's do some good in the hood and recognize that not only will whatever it is we're going through be minimalized for a minute, but the entire universe will profit as a result of our sharing what we've got to give another what they need. There's power in giving, let's desire to share that power.

Feel me? Don't feel me? Holla Back anyway to: grace.calvin187@gmail.com and your responses will  be posted on the next blog.

Like to thank all of you for accessing my blog and hope that we can all connect to the spiritual consciousness inherent in us all, and fulfill our obligation to share our experiences, strengths, and hopes with one another.

Love Ya'll

Love: The act of being one