Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Six Sistas

It’s Posnan Poland.
Where people walk down the street 
and don’t speak 
to one another 
let alone to me.

The six sistas was there tho.
They came to scat and to scream
To sass and to sing
To sooth and sashay.
And the people heard
And the people spoke back.

Back to the one who praised another
While disregarding her own worth
Yet in her presentation
We and hopefully she 
Saw her self
And all she had to give.

Spoke back to the one 
Who took us to a place 
Where no one had been
And brought us back
To the place where we weren’t
and suddenly we were all there
And grateful for the ride.

Spoke back to the one unaware
Of how much she had
Yet gave us what she had
Not yet realizing
That it was more than enough
And that there was much much more
In her
Yet to be shared.

Back to the one who gave to us
What she just recently realized
That she had to give.
And she gave it in LOVE
In the hopes
That we would receive
And then share it with another.

The people spoke back
To the one who wanted to give
All that she had
Taking the risk of being unappreciated
While understanding that it ain’t about 
How much I have
But about how much I give
And then
She gave 
Her all.

And then they spoke back
To the one 
Who almost forgot she had it.
The one who was reminded
Where it was.
Then she went back 
And she got it.
And she gave it to the people
And to her sistas
And we were glad to see
That she had all that
And grateful that it wasn’t
All she had.

I the Brotha
Speak back to the siatas
And speak for Posnan 
And for the world.
When we say
WE Love you 
WE need you
And We want you in our lives.

Not for what you have to give
But for your Willingness to give it.
Cause in your doing what you do
We realize it can be done

What you have shown 
In your efforts to both create and to share
Is that despite 
The obstacles and barriers
That WE create 
In our own minds.
We can get through the stuff 
That ain’t really there
Except in us.

What we hear
Because of you
Is the need to go in
Assess and reflect 
On what we see inside
And then give it away
To make room for more
Than we had before.

Play on my sistas
Play On and On and On and On
Speak to us 
So that we too can speak
Not only back to you
But Forward 
To each other.
All over this world.

I’ll holla…

To comment or respond please click on the word comments at the bottom of this page, or email me at grace.calvin187@gmail.com


  1. Brilliant my brother. I wish I had been there to witness each one of whom you spoke.

  2. Me too Felton. The two of us would have definitely turned up the volume...
