Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Go With The Flow

As I sit in a Vancouver coffe shop watching people pass by, it seems the same here as anywhere else, everybody appears to be going with the flow. They're seemingly oblivious to everything going on around them and hell bent on reaching their respective destinations. It's as if everything's all right with the rest of the world and the space each one is in is all that really matters. I'm reminded of a time in 1973 when I was leaning on a glass shoe case situated between the two display windows of the Baker's Shoe Store in downtown Chicago. As I watched the people passing by, having pretty much the same attitude as the people I'm observing now, I directed my attention to something that no one else seemed to even notice. A guy is running from across the street toward me, with two arms full of leather jackets. As he approaches a parked car; the driver gets out, opens the rear door, the runner throws in the jackets, closes the door and scurries to the passenger side. Within seconds the car is moving north on State Street, no one is coming out of the store, and the passer bys are still passing by. I'm standing there in awe while the flow is continuing as if nothing has happened and everything is all right.

Well everything ain't all right because, at least in this particular instance, the price of leather jackets probably increased. Like the passers by however, most of us are complacent when it comes to establishing equitable conditions for all, and are thereby limited to reacting to unfavorable situations caused by 'others'. And then, to add insult to injury, we complain about those other people without realizing that albeit not in our best interest, their creative energy has been favorably utilized on their own behalf. What we must realize and accept is that the person(s) employing that form of creativity are  reacting to circumstances created by someone else. Existent in our lives today is a prevailing social consciousness of "not enough for me so I'm gonna take somebody else's", and while some are creating a means for getting more, the rest of us react by trying to protect and hold on to what we've got. We inadvertently go with the flow rather than attempting to create a means of establishing a more equitable environment for ourselves and others.

So where do we go from here? Well there are certain practices that I find conducive to spiritual growth and that serve as a catalyst for positive creativity. One such practice I've run across is called the 'Essene Communions'. In a translation of one of these communions, by Edmond Szekely, we find the following supplication: "Angel of Creative Work, descend upon humanity and give abundance to all men (women)." Because everything we put into the spiritual universe becomes manifest in the earthly realm, I'm going to ask that you do as I do and repeat the aforementioned affirmation aloud every day, paraphrasing it if need be, for the next seven days. This small gesture of love will allow us an opportunity to give a little of ourselves, while simultaneously promoting a consciousness of 'more than enough'. This in turn, will stimulate our creativity because we will have the mindset of, as Pastor John F. Hannah puts it, "living in the overflow", and not feel stifled by a false sense of 'not enough'. So work with me for the next few days to co-create another flow. Let's give a few words and a few seconds of our time to a whole world of folks, some of whom we don't even know. There's no telling what might happen and, if nothing else, it will certainly help us to feel a little better about ourselves and increase the hopes of harmony and peace for the world in which we live.

Holla back,if the spirit moves you, by clicking on comments or emailing me at grace.calvin187@gmail.com


  1. Hi Favorite Son, I plan to be working with you.

    Love, Mom

    1. Thanks Mom,
      Your support is needed and appreciated.

      Love you back,

  2. One of the main issues with our perspective in this world, is that most feel that "its none of my business" so we continue to walk around with blinders on. It is not that its none of their business, it is that they dont give a darn about anyone but themselves.
    We take on the position of "if it aint bothering me, I aint bothering it". As it goes to your experience with the leather coats, I guarantee someone saw it, but just failed to act. Oh dont get me wrong I know we can get so involved in our own world and our own problems and situations that we are totally lost to what is happening around us, but I believe in most instances it is just people who don't care.
    I believe if we as a "body" began to operate in what we have been called to do, by reaching out to strangers and helping, not because we feel like it, or someone is watching, but because it is the right thing to do and it is what we have been called to do. That one act of kindness to someone everyday will began to spill over and then the person who was shown kindness returns that kindness to someone else.
    It is amazing that I am reading this today. Last evening Pastor Nick did a sermon on addition vs multiplication. How addition will trump multiplication everytime. Each one reach one, right?

    1. Wow Destry, thanks for the insight in regard to people just not caring. It's so true that this is an 'all about me" world. It's no surprise that pastor Nick covered the same topic because evidently we're all paying attention to the 'crying in the universe', and trying to answer the 'call'. Stay encouraged and Be Blessed.
